I will be speaking about two people who have significantly contributed to German culture in the 20th century.
They are:
Paul Celan: One of the most famous Holocaust Poets. I will be reading his poem "Todesfuge" in class.
Anselm Kiefer: A modern Artists who has done some very beautiful, yet very controversial work.
Some samples of his work:http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/kiefer/
Some information about his work and his personality:
I will go into detail about them in class. They are both very talented and interesting people.
I appreciated your presentation. Celan is certainly part of the German canon -- I have studied him in German culture and language classes -- but I have never appreciated him quite as much as I did when his "Todesfuge" was juxtaposed with the Kiefer paintings illustrating it that you showed to us. As you showed us the pictures and read the poem, I subconsciously started touching my own very blonde hair. The painting "Dein Goldenes Haar, Margarete" brought the imagery of Celan's poem to life.